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Banks chamber of commerce

City of Banks

City Hall is located at 13680 NW Main St. (Market & Main Streets). Main Street is State Hwy 47 running north/south through town. State Hwy 6 is at the south end of town and State Hwy. 26 is to the north of Banks.  On April 8, 2008, the City of Banks was also awarded the honor of Tree City USA by the Oregon State of Forestry.

The City of Banks is located approximately 26 miles West of Portland, Oregon. The current population is approximately 1700. We have a spectacular views of Mt. Hood to the East and the Coast Range to the West. We are only a 10 minute commute to Intel and other High-Tech industries. Banks is the gateway to the beautiful Oregon Coast and the Banks/Vernonia St. Park Trail. The coast is only a 45 minute drive for beach relaxation. The Oregon Coast is noted for Dungeness Crabs and digging for Razor Clams at low tides.

In addition, located just seven miles from Banks is Oregon State Park, L.L. Stub Stewart St. Park, which provides full RV hook-up as well as tent sites. They have approximately 15 cabins for your up-scale camping. For the horse lovers, there is special camping area for RV & horse trailer with a horse coral as well.

Contact City Offices:
Telephone: 503-324-5112
Hours: 8am to 1pm M-F

Banks Public Library: Library Cultural Pass Checkout is a cooperative effort of Washington County Libraries Cooperative. Chamber members have partnership wlith this program. To take advantage of this program, anybody with in the community with a Library Card can check out the passes at our Banks Public Library. These passes provide free admission to any of the listed points of interest in the Portland and Washington County area. A phone call to the Banks Public Library can answer any further questions and/or provide the list of Culltral Passes available for Checkout.

Phone: 503-324-1382


The Banks Chamber of Commerce is an organization of business and professional people working together to stimulate a prosperous business environment for a more vibrant community in Banks, Oregon.

13480 NW Main Street
Banks, OR 97106


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